Before & A f t e r ®Selecting text type 7 of 8Xi U  7 of 8 Selecting text type 0269 Favorite text facesTexture and flasp net exating end mist of it snooling. Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast. It’s tope, this fluantible. Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack. It has larch to say fan. Whara and order is fay of alm. A card whit not oogum or bont. Pretty simple Texture and flasp net ating end mist of it snooling. Spaff forl isn’t Adobe Garamond (11.5/12.75 pt) If we could have only one typeface, this would be it; Garamond is easy to read and elegant, too. A little on the dressy side, Garamond is a fine display face—rare in this class—and as a result can carry a doc- ument all by itself. Garamond sets small; set text in ten-point minimum with about ten percent extra leading. ITC Stone Serif (9.5/12.75 pt) Stone is boring to look at but buttery to read. Characterized by its stubby, lower- c ase r that tucks snugly to its neighbors, Stone is designed for outstanding fit. It sets large; nine-point is as big as you should go. Use at least thirty-five percent extra leading. Janson Text 55 Roman (10.5/12.75 pt) Janson holds the middle ground between the earthy, workmanlike nature of Caslon and the high classiness of Garamond. Rounder and denser, it has a chiseled, resolute appearance. Janson sets about average size; give it about twenty percent extra leading. Texture and flasp net exating end mist of it snooling. Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast. It’s tope, this fluant chasible. Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack. It has lar ch to say fan. Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm. A card whint not oogum or bont. Pretty sim- Texture and flasp net ating end mist of it snooling. Spaff forl isn’t cubular Texture and flasp net exating end mist of it snooling. Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast. It’s tope, this fluant chasible. Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack. It has larch to say fan. Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm. A card whint not oogum or Texture and flasp net ating end mist of it snooling. Spaff forl isn’t cubu- Share the love E-mail this article
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